Human Beings are Mean-Making Creatures

January 3, 2020

“Human beings are mean-making creatures.  A politics that is unable to translate its positions into some sort of transcendental language, pointing to something greater than the individual, will ultimately fail.”
This from the writer Ed Simon in a New York Times op-ed on December 30.  
No truer words have ever been written.   They explain what provides force for leaders to lead, whether they be fascist dictators, preaching a superiority of a certain group of people, or a Democratic leader like Nelson Mandela, who calls for us to honor our most noble instincts of courage, perseverance and forgiveness.
This same desire to be part of something bigger than our individual selves is what makes the purpose and values and principles of a company like Procter & Gamble so powerfully motivating and attractive.  It’s why people join the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center or the Holocaust Center.  
It is why we dedicate our highest priority and bring our greatest love to our families and very closest friends. 


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