July 19, 2016

As Toni Morrison writes, this is a “profound, necessary and an absolute delight to read.  It is at once mind-opening, sobering, inspiring and, above all, truthful.”  It tells the story with great academic depth of the migration of black Americans from the south to the north during the period 1915-70.  It does so with data-based perspectives which show that contrary to much of the written history, the men and women making this journey tended to be better educated, better employed and have stronger family formations than blacks who had been born in the north. 
The story comes alive through the tracing of the journey of three individuals over a period of 50 and 60 years who traveled from Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi to New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.  Each of these stories is worthy (and indeed is represented here) by its own “book.”
The book brings to life in an unforgettable way the horrible treatment, whether in orange groves or cotton fields, that led these individuals to make the courageous decision to leave and then the discrimination they faced as the “lowest of the lowly” new immigrants in cities in the north.  Substantively, none of this is really surprising to someone who has lived as long as I have, but in the details it is brutal as it documents in the most personal way, the denigration of blacks requiring that they not associate with whites, not only in schools, use of water fountains, bathroooms, bar rooms  and theatres, but in something as trivial and mundane as betting windows at a horse track. 
Wilkerson never trivializes or idealizes the lives of these men and women.  They all made mistakes, as they themselves admitted; they all gave up something vital which, to varying degrees, was hard for them to leave behind in the south.  They had disappointments in their children; deaths in their extended families; these were lives that I only wonder: how I could have possibly managed?
The common denominator, of course, is they were all looking for Freedom.  As James Baldwin wrote in Notes of a Native Son:
 “Most of them care nothing whatever about race. 
They want only their proper place in the sun.
And the right to be left alone, like any other citizen of the republic.”
The challenges were legion.  We look at the horrors going on around us today, and “horrors” they are.  But this history reminds one that there were 58 bombings of houses that blacks moved into or were about to move into between 1917 and 1921 alone on the south shore of Chicago.  As Wilkerson writes, “No laws could make frightened white Northerners care about blacks enough to permit them full access to the system they dominated.”
The terrible harm reaped on the children of these immigrants by the drug-infested culture around them is spared no detail. 
Again, James Baldwin in Notes of a Native Son:
“I can conceive of no Negro native to this country
Who has not, by the age of puberty, been irreparably scarred
By the conditions of his life…
The wonder is not that so many are ruined
But that so many survive.”
As these immigrants from the south were the first to say, that provides no excuse to their youth but it does describe circumstances that need to be understood as one draws judgments and particularly draws conclusions on what we need to do now.
The all-pervasive presence of “Implicit Bias” is revealed again and again in this book.  For example, the “expectation that any colored woman walking in the white section of town was available to scrub floors and wash windows” continued into the 1960s.  The author’s mother had a woman call out to her in the late 1950s when she was on her way to decorate and fit slipcovers in Cleveland Park, a wealthy neighborhood in Washington, D.C.: “Say girl, could you come up here and clean my bathroom?”  “I’m looking for someone to clean mine,” my mother yelled back to the woman.
There is wonderful contemporary joy to be taken from the joy which these immigrants to the north felt as they were able to vote, as they were not in the south.  And their votes mattered Ida Mae’s (one of the three lives Wilkerson illuminates) first vote and that of her husband’s in Chicago was one of those tens of thousands of other colored migrants’ votes that helped Roosevelt carry the State of Illinois by two percentage points in the reelection of 1936.We continue to face repression of voting by African-Americans (and others) today, especially in Ohio.
Wilkerson records an amazing galaxy of African-American leaders in every field—black mayors (including Lou Stokes in Cleveland), sports stars like Bill Russell, artists like Duke Ellington—who were children of parents who fled from the south. 
This history, showing the embedded systemic impact of racism that existed both as a driver to this great migration and in the reality which those who moved to the north found themselves in has lessened today, but it is far from gone.
 And one should not forget that the children, and the grandchildren, of the men and women who made this brave journey and incurred all of the insults and discrimination they did along the way,  while feeling being of a different generation and, in many ways, wanting to distance themselves from their forefathers and mother’s generation, still inevitably carry the varying combination of fears, resentments, ambitions, and of determination that every one of us draw, knowingly or not from the road which prior members of our family traveled.


July 12, 2016


I’ve never been as struck or worried as I am today at the multiple drivers that are driving rising inequality between people of means and higher education and those without and the barriers to upward mobility which these drivers of inequality represent.  What worries me most is how these drivers build on one another. And how systemic and deeply embedded they are, especially in family conditions, racial and other biases and policy. This is tearing at our social fabric (witness the appeal of Donald Trump in this election cycle) and cramping significantly our economic growth as a Nation. 

The realities are numerous and altogether clear.  As just one example, the likelihood of an individual having been born into the bottom quintile of income now having a college degree is 6%.  The chance of a person born into the lower income quintile moving to the median income in his or her lifetime is 30%.

What are these drivers and barriers I refer to?

1.     They start with the impact of the family circumstances into which a child is born--circumstances differentiated by education, income and wealth and race.  A well-known fact:  A child born into a college-educated family (and far more than in the past, today, people are choosing partners of similar education) have a working vocabulary three times the size of a child born into a family whose parents have not gone beyond high school at the time the child enters kindergarten.  Here is another critical fact relating to family circumstances as influenced by education (and poverty). While over 40% of all babies born today are born to unwed mothers, the comparable number for college educated mothers is only 6%. It goes on...the enormous and widening gap in wealth (and, thus, what parents can afford for their children) which exists today is likely to continue widening. Why? One reason is that, as Thomas Piketty persuasively argues in his book, Capital in the 21st Century, the return on capital (accumulated wealth) is significantly greater today (at 6-8%) than the average increase in wages (at 1-2%) which barely covers inflation and is virtually the only potential  source of increased wealth for the overwhelming majority of all families. The gap in wealth in our country has greatly expanded over the past 30 years. As of 2013, the average median family wealth was $81,000 compared to $942,000 in the top 10% and $7,880,000 in the top 1%. The bottom 10% was a meager $2,050 and the bottom 1% are in debt.  And as we know, the gap in wealth is particularly significant across racial lines. The median wealth for white families is $134,000 yet only $11,000 for African-American families, again in 2013. Much lower home ownership among African Americans is a key factor. 

And it is not only the increasing gap in "wealth.”  There is the increasing gap in "earned income". This of course continues to drive this wealth gap on a compounding basis.   Over the last approximately 40 years, real income for the bottom 20% of wage earners has not increased at all, while income for the top half have increased in double digits, and particularly the top 10%, has increased by 60%. There are simply too many people, working one or two jobs, who are being paid poverty wages, grossly insufficient to allow them to bring up a family. The failure to provide a livable wage for work well done is an enormous inequity in our nation and a driver of the poverty that afflicts us. 

2.     The availability of quality parental support during the first three years. We know more than ever how important the interactions are between a parent and child in the development of the child.  A lower-income family, particularly one with the only parent or both parents needing to work (which characterizes over 70% of these families), is going to have far less time to interact with a child in his or her earliest years than those families where one of the parents, if not staying at home fulltime, can spend substantial time with the child 

Beyond that, there is the affordability (or lack of it) of quality childcare and pre-K experience.  Today, no more than 25% of children are in quality pre-K.   And again class and race make all the difference. Most families of significant means do have their children in quality pre-K, some as early as age two, let alone at the age of three and four. The cost of quality child care is as much as 25% of the average median family income, i.e., unaffordable. 

3.     The gap in the quality of educational support continues in K-12.  Not so much in the quality of teachers, but in the facilities and extra-curricular activities and the preparedness of fellow students, all of which makes a difference to every single student in the class. In light of the foregoing facts, it is hardly surprising to find that recent tests show that while overall American elementary school students fall below the median compared to the students from other developed nations in proficiency tests , those students from high-income districts (i.e. ones where less than 10% of the students are in federally subsidized lunch programs) score the highest of all the nations. In contrast, in those school districts where 75% or more of students are in federally-subsidized lunch programs, students from the United States score the lowest.

4.     Post-high school education.  As is well publicized, up to 70% of jobs in the future will require more than a high school education.  Yet, the availability of this education is far more readily available to students whose families have significant means, both in affording tuition and being able to handle the debt which remains after school. The need for post-high school education will only grow in the future. 

Thus, from pre-birth all the way through to a young person’s latter teenage years, there are these reinforcing, multiple drivers to growing inequality and greater barriers to upward mobility.  They build on one another. They are deeply rooted. And they are multi-generational in their impact.  This is wrong.  Every child deserves the chance to fully develop his or her God-given abilities. Our future as a nation and society depends on it.  Today, an estimated 25-30% of our young are entering adulthood unprepared to succeed and prosper and the consequences of this also flow to the next generation. 
We must not allow this to continue.

Beyond all the points I have made so far, there is one other. We have abundant evidence that the investment in quality childhood development programs, focused on children ages 0-5 and their parents, provides financial returns of 2 or 3:1. They are financial no brainers.

It goes way beyond this short piece to address the systemic and policy changes we need to make to confront the realities I have described above.  However, four are of fundamental importance: 

·      to provide support for parents to give their children the development experience they need and parents want for their children, cognitively, emotionally and in health, ages 0-5 during which 90% of brain development occurs. 

·      to provide holistic, community-based interventions to address the scourge of poverty, including addressing racial and income disparities in health, safety, jobs and education.

·      to implement minimum wage legislation bringing salaries over the next few years to at least $15.00 per hour or about $30,000 per year, assuming a 40 hour work week; 50 weeks per year.
t  .to provide tuition plans and student loan relief that will enable every young adult seeking post high school to obtain it.

John Pepper 



July 2, 2016


His writings and spirit will be remembered for all time.
I heard him speak on November 9, 1999. I will never forget it. Among his inspirational perspectives that night:

"The great miracle of life is not to begin..but to begin again."
"You can't let God go. It creates an insufferable vacuum". 
"We are not abstractions, we are members of the human family. "Whatever you do, remember a human being is a human being. A universe within a universe itself. When a human being is killed, something is happening to the whole human race."
"Whatever you do, never choose indifference...act on what you believe to be true"



June 25, 2016

What I Wouldn’t Want to Have Failed to Say

1.     Source of every great success – visionary leadership, strategy, execution, teamwork, helping people grow, values, learning unbounded commitment to excellence and winning.

Three Cs which describe people I admire:  “competence, character (integrity, courage), caring.”

The role of leadership we should play in any is situational, geared to answer the question:  How do I best serve mission?

2.     Never forget why you do what you do:  the purpose of the place.  Mission moments.  Economic efficiency is not a substitute for the inspiration of purpose. 

3.     Importance of Trust and Relationships – “If it weren’t for them.”  
Our greatest legacy is our impact on others.
“Everyone Counts.”

4.     It all comes down to People and Values.  Always try to do the right thing.  Live up to your own personal expectations as well as you can.  You’ll never do it perfectly.  Don’t be too hard on yourself, but don’t take your demands too lightly.  What I Ask of Those Who Work for Me:  “Tell me what you think.  Act on what you believe to be true.”

5.     Life will be a mix of ups and downs, victories and setbacks.  Never feel sorry for one’s self.  Never give up.  The power of self-fulfilling expectations—for better or worse.

6.     Don’t confuse the means with the end.  Beware of management by bumper sticker. 

7.     My 3 North Stars:  Service, Leadership, Growth.

8.     Role of faith in my life.  Get outside myself.

9.     Family:  Source of energy, confidence.  Has to come first.



I  just encountered this statistic documenting the stunning and dangerous shift in opinion in the book "Fractured Republic" by Levin. 

"When a team from the University of Michigan studying national elections asked Americans in 1964 how much of the time they thought the federal government could be trusted to do the right thing, 76 percent said either “just about always” or “most of the time.”  (When Gallup asked exactly the same question in 2010, those two options garnered a combined 19 percent of the responses.)"

The utter and frustrating inability of Congress to come together to take rational and necessary steps on responsible gun regulations and immigration reform are just two of the recent issues that explain this. 

We must do better, a lot better, and soon. This is government by paralysis and venom.


This is a serious mistake, for the UK and for the world. As imperfect as it is, the EU brought nations together which had fought wars once or twice a century almost ad infinitum into commercial and social relations. People will now wake up to the reality of what has happened and I hope the the UK and EU will look at laying the foundation for another vote on the referendum before the ties are severed. 

We should not accept this as a fait accompli. It was a 52-48 decision with many in the "52%" apparently not really understanding the pros and cons. ONE BATTLE LOST IS NOT THE WAR. BRITAIN HAS LEARNED THAT.
Google search history suggests many Britons had little idea what they were voting for


June 24, 2016

This 4 1/2 minute video presents a succinct and clear expression of one of my most fundamental beliefs in what it takes to win--personally and for the organization.