"Wrecking Ball In Chief"

May 9, 2018

"Wrecking Ball in Chief": These were the well-chosen words Susan Rice used to describe President Trump in her op-ed column in today's NYT, reacting to his and our country's withdrawal from the Iran agreement.

This adds to and for me is by far the most worrisome of the destructive foreign policy decisions President Trump has made:

1. Withdrawal from the Trans-Atalntic Partnership has hurt our economy, lessened our leadership position in Asia and been a boon to the Chinese.

2. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate treaty has curtailed our leadership position in the world and works against the environmental challenges our world faces.

3. The renegotiation of NAFTA is fracturing our relationships with our closest allies and is risking damage to our own businesses.

4. The decision to move our embassy to Jerusalem fractures whatever small possibility exists to bring Israel and Palestine together in a settlement.

5. Our sanctions against steel and aluminum undercut our partnership with our European allies as well as Japan.

6. We launch a missile attack on the government of Syria, but present no strategy or plan to resolve this conflict. Nor is there any evidence of a strategy or plan to resolve the still-boiling trauma in Ukraine.

What unites these dangerous actions and absence of action are two things, both perilous:

1. The utter absence of a cohesive foreign policy strategy and plan other than  an arrogant, dismissive "we will go it alone", "it is only our interests that count", "we don't need to collaborate"  mind set. Needless to say, this mind set feeds and supports all the most dangerous instincts and actions of other countries with whom we see ourselves in some form of conflict, e.g. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia.

2. The willingness to uni-laterally and will-fully abrogate agreements and treaties which have been drawn after extended discussion with allies and sometimes with those with whom we disagree. The "word" of our country has been badly compromised. This will have negative impacts we can not predict today

What makes the withdrawal from the Iran agreement the most concerning of all Trump's dangerous actions is that it elevates the greatest risk our world faces: nuclear proliferation and ultimately nuclear destruction. It does so in a way that pokes a big thumb in the eyes of our closest allies. We talk about Russia wanting to sow discord between Europe and the U.S. You could not choose a decision more likely to do that.


What are we to do?

In the short term, continue to value, insist on and support a "free press" and the "rule of law", including investigations of the kind Mueller is conducting.

In 2020,  ensure Trump leaves office by electing a man or woman who brings the values, character and wisdom the Presidency demands--including: 1) recognizing that we have to work together with other countries if we are to achieve our nation's and world's future and (2) that our President must model values which we would want our children to emulate. In my lifetime of now almost 80 years, we have had Presidents with some character traits and who have taken some actions which I cringe at. But never have I seen a President whose commitment to truth and to respecting other people has been so utterly lacking.

1 comment:

  1. Dear John,
    I am a 37 year veteran of P&G and have much respect for your leadership in our company through those years, but I cannot disagree with you more on yours article above.

    Whether it is Climate Change, or the TPP or NAFTA, we can no longer afford to be the world's sugar daddy. I have read the entire Paris accord (a non-binding agreement) and wrote an article about it in my own blog. Please check it out. A link is provided below.


    I would argue that Trump's warning of tariffs have actually helped us negotiate with Canada, Mexico (NAFTA), Europe and China. Trump's missiles in Syria are similar to when Reagan put a couple in Muammer Qaddafi's ear in Lybia, and is actually a sign of a simple but effective strategy called "Peace Through Strength" which Ron Reagan embraced.

    Even though you put these words in quotations, Donald Trump has never said anything like "we'll go it alone" or "it's only our interests that count" unless it was describing a short term situation. In fact, at the World Economic Forum in Davos he said, "America first is NOT America alone."

    Finally, in terms of his rejection of the Iran deal, you have to admit that it was a flawed deal from the beginning. That is why Obama had to resort to an executive action to make the agreement. He couldn't get it passed in the House or Senate. Even Democrats Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez rejected the deal.

    We can both predict how this will effect our efforts in North Korea and Iran in the future, but I believe this tough, decisive action actually improves our position to get good deals with both countries.

    Trump is a flawed human being, and some of his personal attacks make me cringe and I have called them "unpresidential", but good moral values, honesty and integrity are in short supply in Washington DC. Bill Clinton was smoother than Trump, but just as morally bankrupt. Hillary called tens of millions of American citizens "deplorable" and "unredeemable". Also the first three words that Americans used to describe Hillary before the election were "liar", "dishonest" and "untrustworthy". Even Barack Obama was the liar of the year in 2013 according to PolitiFact.

    I wish Trump's rhetoric was more fact based instead of abusive (although I think he has gotten better lately), but if news coverage was 90% negative, it might bring out the worst in me too. What do I hope for in the next two and a half years?

    -Peace on the Korean Peninsula.
    -Continued Economic growth (maybe even 4 or 5%)
    -Higher wages across the country.
    -Continued low unemployment rates, esp. among Blacks and Hisp.
    -Peace in Syria and an Iran deal that actually works.
    -A more "United" United States (work needed on both sides here)
    -The reduction or elimination of divisive identity politics.
    -The total elimination of ISIS and dramatic reduction of terrorism.

    I believe that we as Americans should hope that all of this can be accomplished, and if Trump also continues to grow into the job and be a better role model for our children, all the better.

    Here is the link to my Climate Change article. Please read it and give me your feedback.


    Very Respectfully,
    Kevin Canfield
