A Poem Written by My Eleven Year Old Granddaughter and One of Her Classmates Two Days After the January 6th Attack on Our Capital

February 9, 2021

 Rock Bottom

Storming the capitol
A landmark in D.C
All at the hands
Of an ex-president to be
Rioters holding a flag of red white and blue
But it’s not the one we love
Did you get the clue?
The confederate flag
Being carried throughout
They carry it with love
Fly it with no doubt.
Windows broken
And lives taken
The president then speaks
He’s finally awakened
Senators scared
They run for their lives
If they had got too close
They could’ve died
Did the police do their best?
Was it really enough?
At the end of the day
People were in handcuffs
Tear gas spread
Guns got fired
All because they obeyed
Who they most admired.
Our country has a label now
That no one truly wanted
Our own people turned on us
Is the U.S haunted?
This really wasn’t a great way
To kick off a new year
It’s truly sad to be in a world
Where you sometimes live in fear
Although we’ve hit rock bottom
We know we will rebound
Because before you fly up
You have to touch the ground
This’ll go down in history
We won’t forget this day
We will finally pull through
‘Cause we’re the USA!

The Contingency of History—We Missed a Bullet—So Today, January 20th—We Celebrate with Relief and Hope Joe Biden's Inauguration

January 16, 2021


I am more mindful than ever of the contingency of history.  There are so many ways we could be beset with another four years of Trump. 
Imagine if the Republican had impeached Trump the first time around, not that it was a close call for them.  But he would have been out and Pence would be in, and I think it is entirely possible that he would have been elected as President.
Much more likely, if Trump had had a modicum of common sense about him, he would have taken the lead in attacking COVID-19.  He would have worn a mask, been supportive of science.  And if he had done those things, not only would lives have been saved (most importantly), but I am convinced he would have won the election.

Or imagine if Covid has not happened in the first place. I believe Trump would have been reelected. 
Or imagine, if Jim Clyburne hadn’t advanced Biden in the South Carolina primary, Biden probably wouldn’t have won and probably wouldn’t have become the Democratic nominee.  And I don’t believe there was any other Democratic nominee who would have beaten Trump, even with all of the things he did wrong, and COVID.
All of which is to say we are not only damn lucky but thank heavens for those people who got out the vote and worked so hard. And thank heavens that Biden stepped forward in the way he did and that we now have him about to enter the White House.
We have always known how contingent  history is; how contingent it was, for example, that Lincoln was our President.  But I don’t think there has ever been a time where being on the right side of history mattered more than it does at this moment in history. 

January 20th; the day we can celebrate the inauguration of a President, Joe Biden, who despite the monumental challenges, can with all our help begin to heal the distrust and confront the inequities which assault our Nation. 
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2021—A Year of Hope and Opportunity. A Test of Our Resolve

January 7, 2021

The year 2020 revealed stark realities like no other year in my 80+ year lifetime.  It has taught us a lot.  It has left us aware of the need for change and it has left us, to larger and lesser degrees, committed to make change.  The proverbial $64,000 question is, will we have the wisdom, the resolve, the courage and the perseverance to make and sustain these changes.
Personally, I enter 2021 with hope but no sense of complacency.  There is above all hope in that we will be led by a president, Joe Biden, experienced and genuinely committed to healing the partisanship of our country and the prevailing distrust among the nations of the world.  Like the majority of the population, I believe he is committed to take action to confront issues that are staring us in the face:  a still raging epidemic, the challenge of distributing a vaccine and contending with perhaps another variant of the virus; an economy still at a delicate stage of recovery, with as much as a third of our population in dire economic straits and, overarching all of this, a deeply divided electorate and undeniable evidence of social and racial injustice.
We have been put in touch in with these realities during the past year as never before in over 100 years.
Positively, I am convinced we have the right leader in Biden.  I believe he has the mind, the experience and the spirit to confront these realities and challenges. But this president—no president—can come close to doing this singlehandedly.
Here is the question that we face in 2021.
Are we up to the task of acting decisively and collaboratively on what we have learned, even knowing that the work will occupy many years.
I am talking about acting at every level.
Federal, state and local governments, working in tandem.
Every corporation.

Every one of us as individuals.
At the government level, will Congress get together to design and pass legislation, including:

--dramatically improving the nation’s infrastructure in a way that adds jobs
--providing sensible immigration reforms
--expanding lower cost healthcare that everyone can benefit from
--reforming criminal police practices, without throwing out the baby with the bath water?
Will companies take action to:

--increase representation in executive leadership of minorities.  
--contribute  to the welfare of the community at the same time they reward their shareholders and provide an environment where all employees can grow to achieve their full potential?
Will non-profit and other organizations pool their resources and capabilities against common goals to better enable everyone to fulfill their full potential?  Through better education, development of minority businesses, improved housing and much more.
Will we as individuals be more open to know and listen to one another, to walk in each other’s shoes, to set aside implicit biases and to simply be kinder to one another?
If you look forward 10 years, I dream that we will look back on the years 2020 and 2021 as two sides of the same coin.
2020 provided a nerve-wracking, life-changing, often life-taking demonstration of how vulnerable we are, particularly how vulnerable certain portions of our population are.
A year when we confronted realities that we have been aware of, some more than others.  In 2020 they stared us in the face as systemic problems like never before. 
These realities have led to a growing stronger and unified commitment to address the challenges revealed by these realities than I have ever seen before. 
What 2021 can be and must be is a demonstration that we will continue to address these issue with wisdom and persistence.  This will not be a one-year undertaking; it won’t even be a decade-long undertaking.  But if we don’t get started now, I don’t know when we will.  It would be impossible for me to imagine, let alone want, a more vivid demonstration of where we need to improve.
The year 2020 has revealed human characteristics that we will depend on in 2021 and in fact have always depended on to make progress.  I am talking about people like the frontline healthcare workers who risk their lives to help others.  It has happened again and again.  That human spirit is present.   The question is, can we marshal it broadly. Can we cooperate and not compete, can we see each other as fellow travelers on this journey of life, trying to help one another along that path, pursuing justice for all? 

I refuse to believe we cannot do better.  We can make important progress.  We have done so before. The time to do so is now. 

Porcupines: An Intriguing Metaphor for How We Pursue the Common Good While Retaining Our Individual Interests

December 16, 2020


The One and the Many:  America’s Struggle for the Common Good by Martin E. Marty
This book, written by Martin Marty, was published 23 years ago but it could have been published today with equal if not greater relevance to the moment we’re living in.  It is a short book of about 240 pages. Its essence could be boiled down to an even shorter book. Whatever the length, it is powerful and relevant. 
I took away three related thoughts:
  1. The importance of telling and understanding each other’s stories, personally and as special interests, alongside the importance of recognizing the importance of pursing a unifying common good.
  1. The concept of affection.  The value of “having affection” for one another and how that is different than love; it is not as strong as love but terribly important.
  1. The concept of kinship or kin.  
Marty explores the different pulls of “pluralism” and allegiance to the common good.  He contrasts the unum and the plures.
There has constantly been in our country tension between the two.  Alexander Hamilton in 1802 expressed his fear of the influx of foreigners who must “tend to produce a heterogeneous compound; and to change and corrupt the national spirit; to complicate and confound public opinion; to introduce foreign propensities.  In the composition of society, the harmony of the ingredients is all-important.  And whatever tends to discordant intermixture must have an injurious tendency.”  
Our other founders, Franklin and Jefferson, offered similar testimony in defense of the unum, of sameness.  
We face the question:  How do individual special interest groups themselves co-exist and how do they make contributions to the common good?  What we’ve seen in Lebanon and Bosnia to this very day alerts us to the dangers of tribalism, unchecked by republicanism—that is a commitment to see how we do achieve the common good.
One writer came upon an interesting metaphor—the porcupine—to depict civil association. This is a model that allows for both the need to “hover together” and the need to “draw apart.”  This metaphor describes citizens in their national and sub-national groupings and as individuals.  
James Madison in Federalist No. 51 speaks clearly to the rights of factions and common interest.  He recognized the importance of individual factions but he did not want those members to lose the sight of a theme that brings together everyone against the goal of “justice as the end of government.”  Justice is a unifying theme for a cohesive sentiment
Marty wisely writes that “intimate communities, because of the closeness and commitment that they express, depend upon love.  Citizens, however, cannot express sentimental attachment or personal affection for all fellow citizens and societies conceived as civil association.  They certainly will not credibly display love, because of the impersonality of the bonds of association and the heterogeneity of those who are encompassed by them.”
Here is where the concepts of association, affection and kinship come in.  I turn to Procter & Gamble.  I’ve often described it as a community, and I still do.  Having read this book, I believe that the concept of affection is a very good description of how P&Gers feel about one another.  So is kinship.  Fellow P&Gers are kin.  
This is also how I feel about fellow Yalies, although not to the degree I do with fellow P&Gers.  My contact has not been that close, not nearly.
Family reunions, just like P&G reunions, bring together kin and affection.  They draw on the notion of the “binding tie of cohesive sentiment,” which Felix Frankfurter enunciated.  
As I wrote at the beginning, this book was written 23 years ago.  It was meant to address the need to resolve the tension between particular interests and factions with the need to pursue the common good.  At this moment, in the just-completed election, we have in Joe Biden a President-elect who instinctively is primed to unify the interests of individual factions, many of whom have been deprived of justice, with the pursuit of a common good, of a binding sentiment--justice and opportunity for all—which I believe can unify us. 
Marty’s book serves to illustrate that the search for this unifying end point has been a perpetual one in this country and, indeed, in the history of the world. Despite the challenge, it should not stop us from continuing to pursue it. I feel confident it will be pursued under the new administration.

Wisdom from 80 Years Ago—Wisdom for Our Moment

November 19, 2020

 Walter Lipmann, the nation's most esteemed columnist at the time,  wrote:  “Those in high places are more than the administrators of government bureaus.  They are more than the writers of laws.  They are the custodians of the nation’s ideals, of its permanent hopes, of the faith that makes a nation out of the mere aggregation of individuals.”  

It is this pointed perspective that has made the Trump presidency so invidious. It is what makes me so grateful and hopeful for the Biden administration which lies ahead.
In a separate passage, Lipmann wrote::  “Our civilization can be maintained and restored only by remembering and rediscovering the truths, and by reestablishing the virtuous habits on which it was founded.  There is no use looking into the blank future for some new and fancy revelation of what man needs in order to live.”
“The revelation has been made.  By it man conquered the jungle about him and the barbarian within him.  The elemental principles of work and sacrifice and duty—and the transcendent criteria of truth, justice, and righteousness—and the grace of love and charity are the things which have made men free…only in this profound, this stern, in this tested wisdom shall we find once more the light and the courage we need.” 
That is as well as it could be said.

I believe this timeless  quotation from Joseph Conrad captures the essence of our ambitions:  What one lives for may be uncertain; how one lives is not.  Man should live nobly, though he does not see any practical reason for it, simply because in the mysterious, inexplicable mixture of beauty and ugliness…in which he finds himself, he must be on the side of the virtuous and the beautiful.”

"A Decent America Will Be a Force to Celebrate"

October 27, 2020

 “When World War II Ended, Nearly Everyone on Earth, Including Americans Themselves, Admired America; So Did the Japanese”

So writes the Japanese contemporary novelist, Minae Mizumura, in the recent issue of The New York Review of Books.  
Mizumura goes on to write that, in hindsight, we know that the allied occupation forces meticulously controlled the media so that no Japanese criticism saw the light of day.  The nation was to repent and welcome its defeat.  “Cynics say the population was brainwashed, and I find myself often agreeing with that assessment.  After all, America dropped the A bomb…ultimately, however, I have always concluded—if somewhat grudgingly—that the nation’s admiration was justified.  America showed generosity toward the defeated; its people wanted a better world for everyone.”
Mizumura went to live in the United States when she was 12 and ended up staying in the U.S. for 20 years, from 1963 to 1983.  She acknowledged that she refused to adapt to her new environment and “turned into an antisocial little Japanese patriot.”  But even during those years of rebellion, at a time when American soldiers were fighting a war in a far-away land, Vietnam, and society was in turmoil, “I never doubted that the U.S. as a whole was fundamentally a moral nation.”  
Moving on, Mizumura reflects on how she reacted to the news of Trump’s election.  As she held the newspaper reporting this in her hand, "My mind went numb.  Noises around me ceased to exist.  For the next four years, I felt I was on a rollercoaster, a rollercoaster that just kept plunging lower and lower.  Trump seemed to revel in his amorality.  The more he assaulted the human decency that had created America’s praiseworthy institutions and ideals, the more his orange face glowed.”  The MAGA rallies she observed on the streets and the “idiotic, hateful obsequious” support for Trump in Congress has “betrayed the image long ingrained in me of America as a nation of big-hearted, fair-minded people.”  
Mizumura concludes, “The world has become so intertwined that we simply cannot afford another four years of Trump wrecking our future, especially now when that future is imperiled by the threat of a renewed arms race and the ever-accelerating warming of our planet—our only planet.  I will gladly adore America once again if the country makes a decisive turnabout in November.  America doesn’t have to be ‘great again.’  A decent America will be a force to celebrate.”  
My friends from around the world, many of them retired from Procter& Gamble, echo the same sentiment that Mizumura expresses poignantly, almost word for word. 
And so do I.

Let's Turn the Table on the Demise of Vision, Purpose and Hope

October 12, 2020

We are a sick nation in many ways, and I am not just referring to COVID-19.  There is a cloud over America.  It has gotten darker during the four years of the Trump administration, but it was there before.
It is a cloud growing from a decline in trust, in civility, and in a sense of vision of what our nation can be, what we can be.  A decline in a sense of purpose and hope.  To be sure, there are bright and inspiring sources of light:  healthcare workers risking their lives in hospitals, men and women in food banks and food stores, teachers coping with challenging and risky circumstances, millions seeking jobs, valiantly, while taking care of their needy families.  
“Make America Great Again” has become a hollow slogan.  Yes, there have been a few statistically valid accomplishments over the past four years which the Trump administration can claim.  Low unemployment numbers, though we have to acknowledge that hundreds of thousands of people are dropping out of work, and many new jobs come with compensation levels well below what people had before.  
However, for many if not most, the quality of life is far from what they would choose.  And, their hope for the future is low.  
Our nation has always thrived on an uplifting vision, a big dose of ambition and a sense of purpose.  We haven’t always fulfilled it, not by a long shot, but we have had a star to which we strove and our leaders have called us to reach for it together.
This erosion of vision, of ambition and of purpose has reached a peak level today with the simultaneous challenges presented by the pandemic, the resulting severe economic downturn and the moral turpitude and erosion of the very concept of truth embodied by the current President of the United States.  
We should recognize that this cloud of pessimism and of doubt, represents an enormous change over the last 60 years.  In 1958, the renowned historian C. Vann Woodward recalled Professor Arthur Schlesinger’s then-recent attempt to define the American character as being “bottomed upon the profound conviction that nothing in the world is beyond its power to accomplish.”  In this, Woodward writes, Schlesinger “gave expression to one of the great American legends, the legend of success and invincibility.  Almost every major collective effort, even those thwarted temporarily, succeeded in the end.  American history is a success story.  Why should such a nation not have a profound conviction that nothing in the world is beyond its power to accomplish?  The American people have never known the chastening experience of being on the losing side of a war.  Success and victory are national habits of mind.”  
In 1960, Vann Woodward called on historians to “penetrate the legend without destroying the ideal, who can dispel the illusion of pretended virtue without denying the genuine virtues.  Such historians must have learned that virtue has never been defined by national or regional boundaries, and that morality and rectitude are not the monopolies of factions or parties.  Their studies would show the futility of erecting intellectual barricades against unpopular ideas, of employing censorship and repression against social criticism, and of imposing the ideas of the conqueror upon defeated people by force of arms.  The history they write would also constitute a warning that an overwhelming conviction in the righteousness of a cause is no guarantee of its ultimate triumph, and that the policy which takes into account the possibility of defeat is more realistic than one that assumes the inevitability of victory.”  
Yes, this erosion of trust and confidence and hope has been a long time coming.   It has developed over the course of more than 50 years. Over this half-century, our nation has witnessed a profound loss of innocence as we have discovered that all wars are not winnable (witness Vietnam), others are misbegotten (witness Iraq) and some never end (witness Afghanistan). 
We’ve lost a sense of invulnerability as we’ve felt the devastating impact of the pandemic and seen terrorists attack our own country and others.  Vulnerable, too, as we watch China grow to become the largest economy in the world, with strong autocratic leadership, and we face a greater number of what we are defining as “enemies” than ever before. 
The period has been marked by a sharp erosion of trust in our institutions, including religion, business and government, starting with Nixon’s Watergate, Clinton’s lying and exploitation of a young intern, and now Donald Trump. 
It has been abetted by the increasing polarization of politics, even impacting people’s families, enabled by gerrymandering and the far greater impact of big money in influencing the leadership of the country.  
It has been fueled by increasing income inequality and by a sense that the world is not as fair as it used to be and that the opportunity for the next generation to do better than the current one has become small.  Media has become increasingly fractionated, enabling all of us to hear what we want to hear, almost always in stark opposition to, often demonizing, the other side.
To be sure, there have been events and leaders that have provided hope and evidence that, halting as it is, progress is possible.  The fall of the Berlin Wall and the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union (even though it led to what proved to be a far too self-congratulatory conclusion that the West had won and that democracy and capitalism would prevail across the world).  
We’ve been lifted by the greatly increased and long overdue acceptance of the LGBTQ community, offering legitimate hope that positive change can happen.   Many of us were lifted by Obama’s being elected President, feeling this was an indication that opportunity was available to people regardless of their race.  
At this moment, there is a greater sense of realism and more honest confrontation of the facts than I have ever before experienced. This is a good thing for facing the reality of where we stand is the starting point to make things better. 
We know we continue to face the challenge of racism which we thought had been largely disposed of.  We know we’re vulnerable to disease which, before now, we’ve talked about only as historical incidents (e.g., the Spanish Flu of 1918) as if they were just things of the past.  We—at least most of us—recognize the threat of climate change which has contributed to this year’s wildfires in the western United States, hurricanes in the Gulf and flooding in Iowa. We know, at least we should know, that we face an overhanging threat of nuclear annihilation.  We must work imaginatively and with determination to reach agreement among all nations to control this means of wiping out life on earth as we know it.  
Yes, events over the past 60 years have, for almost all of us, removed any aura of innocence.  Indeed, I would say our task now is to recognize the rightness of our founding ideals without indulging in hubris or allowing it to manifest itself in trying to impose our way of life on other nations.  We’ve seen the price to be paid of pursuing a moral crusade on a worldwide scale.  We must have the wisdom to chart a course of foreign policy between the perilous extremes of isolationism and world crusade.  Both extreme courses will always have powerful advocates; neither can be regarded as a dead issue.  
Yes, a cloud covers our nation today and indeed the world; a cloud of uncertainty, cynicism and hopelessness.  We need not, we must not, allow ourselves to wallow in this.  We need a new realistic vision, a new ambition to achieve our noblest ideals.  We need leaders who will carry this mission forward with conviction, with courage and with belief in their fellow citizens—all of them.
We have had this sense of vision and purpose in our nation before, a vision brought to life by concrete decisions, actions and achievement.  We need such a vision and sense of purpose and actions to realize it in the next administration.  Actions such as infrastructure improvements providing millions of new jobs, quality health care and educational opportunity available to all, regardless of income working together with other nations to attack climate change, seeking resolution of disagreements with adversaries and working with them where we need to—for example, on nuclear proliferation. We must mend our relationships with allies to achieve common purposes. Perhaps above all, in our relationships and dialogue with one another, we must be civil and display common decency. That's the only way we can come together to accomplish what we need to. 
We need to look at one another as fellow travelers in the pursuit of a better country devoted to fulfilling the ideals embedded in the founding of our nation.
We can do better, much better.  I for one am optimistic that we can and will begin to turn the table on the erosion of Vision, Purpose and Hope under a new Biden administration. It will not be easy and it will not happen overnight but we must and can begin and I think we will.