May 1, 2020

"The Blame Game"—Stop It

The Trump Administration blames China  for the spread of the virus, implying it may have even been intentional, and threatens higher tariffs or other actions for compensation. Our National Intelligence Agency has been dispatched to carry out the investigation of China.

The Democrats and some Republicans blame Trump for having dismissed the virus a threat for far to long, causing needless deaths as a result.

Republican blame Democrats for politicizing the epidemic to get Trump out of office.

Trump blames Obama for not having stockpiled supplies, even tough he (Trump) had been in office for three years.

Stop it. This is madness.

There will be a time and the need for throughly examining the causes of this epidemic: what could and should have been done differently to lessen its impact and the learning for the future. But now the focus needs to be like  a laser  on everyone's working cooly and as wisely as possible, protecting lives while getting people and the Nation back to work.

Political leaders and the media need to stop the blame game now and focus on what matters now.

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